Thursday, December 16, 2010

Favorite things and Not so much

Faves :)
1. Playing flute. I lovee playing flute
2. SNL's Shy Ronnie sketches. Here's both of them....Ronnie and Clyde and Teachers of life. I seriously pee myself whenever I hear these songs.
3. I also love I'm on a boat. I guess I just love Andy Samburg.
4. Christmas!
5. The fact that Heather dkjhfkjdsh texted me at the beginning of December and asked me to join her in making our statuses Christmas lyrics every day! Of course, I sometimes forget, but I love that Heather loves Christmas as much as I do. I seriously pee my pants every day when I think about Christmas
6. Writing silly poems, Here is one I wrote for my friend Dave the other day....
Dear Dave,
You are my fave.
About you I will rave!
Will you an afternoon save?
To visit me? ave?
Until then, be brave,
my bff Dave!
7. Gina/Nicole activities. These include making our famous tuna, writing in our cute tinkerbell/disney princess notebooks, watching Arthur, and baking cookies :)
8. Driving around with Chels
9. Cute hair days. Nothing compares to those.
10. All my new clothes! I have been shopping so many times the past month. I talked to Julia on the phone yesterday and told her I went shopping and she was like, "again? I feel like whenever I talk to you you're shopping." Then Jenna told me the same thing and I believe Chels did too. I guess I'm a shopaholic?? Ohhh well.
11. My cute birdies, Chloe and Elle <3
12. Win a Date with Tad Hamilton.
13. Heather is coming home Saturday and Gina gets home today!
14. Flute lessons :) Sydney is the cutest thing ever!
15. The Office
16. Umm Psych???

Not so much
1. The fact that I fly out to Idaho in the morning and Julia flies into Maryland that night. Like, that is a piece of crap. We miss each other by like, 12 hours! Urgggg!!
2. My new flute is not all that I thought it'd be :(
3. Minor scales. I'm sorry- there is nothing more useless in the world.
4. Liars.

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