Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Purple-striped socks

So I know this guy, and he has a trademark. He is ALWAYS wearing purple-striped socks. Like, allll the time. I always thought this was so nerdy. I would laugh at his fashion statement in my head and someeetimes tease him about it, but in a nice way.

Then this boy and I parted ways, and it was fine. He ventured off to Provo and I sludged through the wind and rain and snow up to the wasteland that is Rexburg, Idaho. I didn't think about this boy much, but sure I guess I missed him and his peculiar fashion statement. Then last year, he went on a mission to a very anti-purple place, and he could no longer wear his purple-striped socks. You knoww that that made me sad for him.


So I guess it is safe to say that this boy may have left an impression on me. It's a possibility. And now I have a problem that I discovered the other day while walking to class. My problemmm is that now, whenever I see a guy wearing purple-striped socks, I instantly remember this boy. Can he pleasee get out of my head?? But wait- it doesn't stop there.

It is a possibility that perhaps I sort-of instantly think that the boy wearing the purple-striped socks is attractive. And I might get a little bit distracted. And almost run into other people. Or walk past the building that houses my classroom. Stop judging me. I never said I actually diddd those things, okay?!

And of course this really is about purple-striped socks. You thought I was kidding? :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

This photo inspires me all the time.

Stuck in the Moment

I am so proud of the people who made this! They did such a good job and I just want to keep it forever so here it is :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Let's get down to business

So this semester is just a little under a month old, and it was going very well. I was playing with my friends, and getting good grades, and I was even a litle bit tanner than when it first started. But then something happened. I logged onto my school account and saw some red writing at the side of my page.  I did a double-take and saw with deep sadness that I had....a bad grade. A really, really bad grade.

I gazed at it with deep sadness. A bad grade already. It was right there, staring me in the face, making me feel crummy and disappointed in myself.

Now, bad grades are not a novel concept in my life. Why in the world would I be going to BYU-I DO if they were? But. This semester was going to change all that. I was going to fix so many things by being good this semester. I was determined to not let anything stop me.

I also set other goals, and I was doing okay at the end of last semester and the beginning of this one, but then I just stopped. Then I just started getting bad grades in life.

I will NOT allow this to go on! This semester is freaken young. I am freaken young. I can do anything I set my freaken mind to. I don't know why I freaken keep using the word freaken.

So anyway, here is my list of goals for the rest of this semester. I've set up several things that will make me accountable for the execution of these goals, so in conclusion, I am not allowed to fail. Here they are....

  • Get straight freaken As
  • Get math homework done by Thursday at 5pm. That is a full 24 hours before it is due. For the past two weeks I've had to stay up until 6 in the morning doing this crap because I don't want to leave it until after my Friday classes, which end at 1:45. HOWEVER, I have been staying up until freaken 6 in the morning doing it, so of course I sleep through my Friday classes, and that, kids, is NOT okay.
  • Go to all of my classes. I am officially not allowed to miss class ever again unless I am out of town. I don't care how tired I am or how shizzy I look, I will be getting my butt up that hill.
  • Go on Sunday walks. The girls that I'm living with next year go on Sunday walks. Heather says that she walks for hours and she loves it and I think that I would love that too. I haven't decided if I want to join them or go off on my own but Sunday walks sounds like a really good Sunday activity.
  • Listen to good Sunday music on Sunday. I think a problem that I have is that I haven't been making Sunday very special lately. So from now on I will make Sunday a special day. I will get up earlier than I usually do (which, for your information was 12:21ish and I have church at 1). I might even eat breakfast! I will make myself pretty and listen to beautiful Sunday music. It doesn't have to be EFY but like, Celtic women or Josh Groban or "The Prayer," by Andrea Bocelli and Josh Groban!
  • Be an awesome FHE mom!
  • Tone down the internet distractions. This means less facebook, less netflix, less everything!
  • Drink green smoothies so I'll have high iron and I'll be able to give blood whenever I want to! I saw a sign for an upcoming blood drive and I nearly peed myself. I am SO EXCITED. Also, a sidenote praise for myself.... I was at the store with Merrin the other day, shopping it up as we do, and I found myself walking straight for the spinach. My feet are so smart! They know where I truuuuely want to go! :)
    I also have been mixing them up lately. I got blackberry-pomegranate yogurt and put blackberries and blueberries and orange juice and spinach all together for a delicious party! And then the last time I was shopping I got strawberry-kiwi yogurt and strawberry-orange sunrise or something like that and moreee blackberry-pomegranate and just plain peach and strawberry and just lotsa different kinds! I should really write a blogpost only about these smoothies because I love them so much and I've gotten all my friends into them. And what's funny is that it was my Grandpa that got my mom into them who got me into them, so really my Grandpa is a trendsetter. Whodda thunk? :)
  • Do the Men's Fitness workout thing! I was so good at it when I was doing it once upon a time!
  • Do laundry once every two weeks. You don't even want to know how often I usually do my laundry. Okay wait that makes me sound gross. I'm not, I just have a lot of clothes.
  • Lay out with Heather 2+ times a week. She lays out in the morning and I don't have morning classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I really should be doing something productive with my life.
  • Have lunch with Brittany once a week. Thursdays, if you must know.
  • Hang out with Chels once a week. Whenever we have a moooment for some FUN.
  • Hang out with KD and Sophia more often. We are going CAMPING this weekend hopefully and I am sooo excited. I love these girls and it is an absolute crime that I don't see them more often. The other day KD said to Sophia and I, "You know that....we're the only ones left. Lindsey isn't coming back until after her mission and Paige is getting married and moving to England. It's just us." And it made us all very melancholy but happy that we had each other.
  • Get Paige a crimper or cocomotion for a wedding gift. I will be looking everywhere for these items!
  • Floss every day! I used to be so good at this! Siiighh.
  • Be a better friend. I think I could be a lot better than I have been. I think sometimes I just take people for granted maybe? Like, I'm not mean, but I could be better. I have some specific people in mind or this goal, but it's also just a general goal that I have for myself.
  • No more naps! I am officially saying no to this practice!
  • Be frugal! I really, reaaallly want to go to Disney World with Chels at the end of this semester but in order to do that I need to have a specific amount of money. So. I needna continue being AWESOME.
  • Give clothes to the DI. I have way too much and I need to let someone else enjoy what I do not! And then I can get new clothes!
  • In addition to this, I need to set up a job for the off-track. I want to have one lined up at the beginning of July, if possible. I really hope to be able to work for M+M again, but who knows? We'll see.
  • Get a job at school?? That would be so awesome!
  • Have daily scripture study and prayer. I think that I should do my scripture study maybe in the morning? I feel rushed in the evening because I just want to go to sleep. Also, I want to be kneeling for my morning and evening prayers because that's more respectful and also I bet it'll help me concentrate more.
Okay, I think that's good for now. Hooray, hooray! :)

Monday, May 14, 2012


is CUTE. I couldn't even believe it.

I was in the Living Room and Tom and Tara were watching Anne of Green Gables. And then Anne totally fell into the river and Gilbert effing saved her. And asked to be her friend. And it was soooo sweet! And I was baffled. I was like, "Gilbert is cute?? What?!" I freaked out, guys, because I never even knew it. I never knew it at all.

This may or may not be an analogy for my life.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

You're In My Head

If any of you are wondering a typical conversation I have with myself, well today is your lucky day. A few weeks ago I had the following conversation in my head....

"I should really blog soon. I should blog about Utah! That is a good idea, Nicole. Start it tonight!"

Later on....

Okay go on, blooogg already!
But I don't want to blog about Utah. I want to blog about how crappy my life is.
Nicole, your life is sooo not crappy. All these great things have happened to you just today!
Like whaatt??
Weeelll you got to tan.
I didn't tan. I only burned on two awkward part of my legs. Whaaatt is up with that?? There Heather is, over there, beezing a bronze goddess and all you have to show for three hours in the sun is NOTHING but those embarrassing marks on your legs. You are a failure.
No, no, Nicole you are so not! You are so cute! Bemember how that guy was totally hitting on you at the pool? That's something!
Hmmjes, but I basically ran away from him and then went and got karma-ed up in the form of a bad tan sunburn :(
Buuuuttt, but! your sunburn will turn INto a tan!
Oh wonderful. I will have two abnormally dark mark on my legs. I'm sure I will make so many friends.
Oh shut up you are being so whiny.